New shoes for 181 students!
This week, 181 students at Escuela Integrada received a new pair of shoes! Each pair of quality tennis shoes gave the students supportive footwear. Many of the students walk long distances to and from school and having supportive shoes makes a big difference.
A special thanks to all of the sponsors and Northview Bible Church who provided the funding for every child to receive a new pair of shoes!
Sponsorship Program reaches historic numbers
Of the 181 students who attend Escuela Integrada, only 16 do not currently have a sponsor.
“It’s a huge blessing to have almost every student sponsored,” said Lucas Hertzberg, sponsorship coordinator for GRACES. “It shows how hard everyone on the GRACES team is working to spread the word about our mission here in Guatemala.”
Lucas shared that the growth in sponsorships can be attributed to the return of Vision Trips in 2022 after the pandemic.
The Sponsorship Program provides education, nutrition, support and hope for the children at Escuela Integrada. Sponsors have the opportunity to connect with the student throughout the year through video calls, letters and in-person visits.
“Having a sponsor for a student connects them so much more with the school,” Lucas said. “The school becomes more of a home with people praying for them here and afar. They can feel a sense of security and confidence knowing that someone is thinking about them and wants to see them succeed.”
To learn more about sponsoring a child, please contact Lucas Hertzberg at lucas@wearegraces.org or by visiting our website wearegraces.org/sponsor.
Hannah goes to Washington

Photo credit: Nancy Shirley
GRACES Executive Director Hannah Nadeau Girón continued a summer of site visits with a trip to Washington, D.C., where she met with Bethel Lutheran Church (Winchester, V.A.) and hosted a get together at a local brewery.
“It was great to connect with the members of the church,” Hannah said. “We’ve had a relationship with Bethel for nearly eight years. It meant a lot to be with them in person.”
At Bethel, Hannah gave a brief overview during the morning service and gave a presentation after the service about the work GRACES does in Guatemala. The church hosted a silent auction for GRACES where they raised $650.
“The church was celebrating its first Sunday in a newly remodeled sanctuary,” Hannah said. “The pastor said how much he was glad to be in the new space, but reminded the congregation that GRACES and Guatemala were an extension of all that they do. It was special to be with the church on that day.”
Members of Bethel are planning to visit Guatemala in 2024 for a Vision Trip. If you live in the D.C. area and are interested in joining the 2024 Vision Trip or learning more about the organization, contact GRACES Board Member Beth Garner at 540-514-7022 or bethgarnercm@hotmail.com.
Supporters Gathering returns to Guatemala Nov. 6-10
Join us in Guatemala this November for the annual Supporters Gathering! This year, the gathering will be held November 6-10, with an optional weekend excursion through November 12.
The Supporters Gathering is open to anyone who would like to attend and includes graduation ceremonies for kindergarten, 6th grade and 9th grade. Participants engage in site and home visits, cultural activities and much more!
If you are planning to attend or would like to learn more, please fill out the Supporters Gathering Interest Form. Travel instructions and additional details will be shared via email in the coming weeks. We hope to see you in November!