Racing for GRACES raises $17,871 for at-home learning

Runners and walkers in Salisbury, North Carolina, showed their support for Escuela Integrada on May 16, 2021.
Wow! What an incredible turnout we had for our 2nd annual Racing for GRACES virtual run! Racers participated across the United States and in Guatemala, with all proceeds going to support at-home learning for the students at Escuela Integrada. From New Mexico and Washington, to Oklahoma and North Carolina—and everywhere in between—we had more than 50 participants in the U.S., and another 35 in Guatemala!
Together, we raised $17,871! Prizes were awarded for those who raised at least $5,000 and the raffle ticket winner for the Vision Trip was announced on Facebook.
New this year—participants could pick their own distance and type of race! We had runners, hikers, walkers, bikers and more, with distances up to a half marathon.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the race and helped raise money to support the continuation of school during the pandemic in Guatemala!