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School is (almost) out for summer!

Did you know that the academic year in Guatemala runs from January to October? This means school is almost out for summer for the kids and teachers at Escuela Integrada! The end of the year is an exciting time of celebration for the students, families and teachers.

This week, students are completing their final exams to determine if they pass the year and can move onto the next year. The comprehensive exams evaluate their learning and growth over the past year.

During the last two weeks of October, there is a short period called “recuperation”, which is similar to a credit-recovery or re-teaching time to see if the students can make enough academic gain to pass their exams. The final chance to pass is on October 31.

Immediately after this period of exams is a week of celebrations, including the 10th Annual Supporters Gathering and graduations for kindergarten, sixth and ninth grade students. Sixth grade marks the end of primary school in Guatemala, and ninth grade graduation is celebrated similar to high school graduations in the U.S.

Guatemala has a multitiered system of education, with primary school beginning at age 7 and continuing for six years. Basico (or junior high) follows with an additional three years of education, ending with ninth grade.

After a student completes ninth grade in Guatemala, they have the option to continue their education in diversificado. This is a two- or three-year degree program to learn a specific trade, such as business, teaching, construction or other skilled jobs.

The students in ninth grade at Escuela Integrada range in age from 15 to 17 years old, which is different from the average age in the U.S. for a typical ninth grade student. This is often because a student in Guatemala started school later or had to take a break to help the family with additional income before continuing their education.

If a student completes diversificado and obtains their certification, they can continue their education at a university. There are 14 private universities and one public university in Guatemala. According to USAID, “less than 10% of the youth enroll in college education due to different learning and economic constraints.”

Approximately 30% of the parents at Escuela Integrada have obtained what is considered a middle level of education, or the completion of ninth grade. When they are able to witness their students completing a ninth grade education, it is a significant moment for the entire family, and often the first step in economic progress to help them break the cycle of poverty.

Passing another academic year is a huge accomplishment for the students at Escuela Integrada, and we are proud of the work they put in this year. Please keep them in your prayers as they take their grade-level tests this week!

Come celebrate with us in Guatemala!

Join us in Guatemala the week of November 4-8. All past, present and future supporters of GRACES are welcome to attend.

The week-long celebration includes three graduation ceremonies (kindergarten, 6th grade and 9th grade) as well as cultural activities, updates from the organization, home visits and more. It’s a fantastic time to meet other supporters and share in the joy of the students’ academic accomplishments.

If you are interested in learning more or if you know for sure you are attending, please fill out the Supporters Gathering Interest Form.

We recommend arriving in Guatemala on Sunday or Monday,* November 3 or 4, in time for dinner on November 4. It is best to depart on Saturday, November 9, unless you plan to extend your trip for personal reasons.

The cost for the Supporters Gathering will be approximately $900. This includes food, lodging, translation services, in-country transportation, and all on-the-ground activities. Airfare is not included. A cost breakdown and payment schedule will be provided to all who register to attend.

We hope to see you in November!