Relationships take time
As we recently wrapped up our Annual Sponsorship Appreciation Week, I wanted to take some time to reflect on and address some important aspects of our Sponsorship Program.
GRACES Sponsorship Program is different from other sponsorship programs with large nonprofit organizations. This is an intentional difference and it centers on the concept of relationship building. It is something that we are passionate about, and it is the reason we offer video calls and other ways for sponsors and students to be able to connect.
A few years ago, we made a significant change to the sponsorship program—individuals who wanted to sponsor a child would no longer choose the student to sponsor. Instead, we as the organization, would connect them with a student. There were a number of reasons for making this change, but the main reason was to protect the children. We don’t want to subject the children to favoritism or a sense of “child shopping,” which can and does take place if people are given lists or photos of unsponsored children.
Can you imagine what it would be like to have a group of foreigners come into your school or place of work and choose who they liked best or who was the best looking? I think most of us can understand why that is problematic.
Yet, we have received feedback that individuals want to be able to sponsor a child based on who they connected with during a Vision Trip week. We understand the desire to feel a connection—again that is what we love about our sponsorship program—but relationships take time. Think about all the relationships that you have in your life. From acquaintances to coworkers, friends to family, the majority of these relationships were probably not built in one week.
When people come to Guatemala on a Vision Trip, it can be a very impactful and emotional experience. We want you to feel a deep and lasting connection to our organization for years to come, which many times comes in the form of sponsoring a child. As you get to know your sponsor child over time, we hope the continued connection allows you to strengthen the relationship you two share. God has great graces in store in the relationships He offers us.
When you choose to sponsor a child and we place you with one, you have the opportunity and privilege to build a relationship over time. You may get to celebrate with students at their highest moments of achievement or grieve with students at their lowest moments of loss.
Sometimes students do not continue in our program due to life circumstances out of our control. This may mean you have to start all over again with a new sponsor child, and I understand that is hard. But we encourage you to think about it from the perspective that you now get to build a relationship with another student who benefits from receiving an education and having someone believe in them. What an incredible gift for both of you!
We know that our Sponsorship Program is different—it’s about more than the monthly financial gift—and we invite you to lean into that in whatever ways you feel comfortable doing so. We have opportunities to connect with your sponsor child through video calls and letters, along with continued trips to Guatemala. As you discern how best to build a relationship with your sponsor child, we also ask that you take it to prayer. Put it before the Lord and ask Him for guidance.
If you are not currently sponsoring a child and feel the Holy Spirit beckoning you to do so, we ask you to trust our process. We would love to connect you with a child who you can get to know. Each child we serve is a unique gift to our organization, and we hope you get to know their stories as you continue or begin sponsoring a child with GRACES.
God Bless You,
Hannah Nadeau Girón
Executive Director of GRACES
Join us in Guatemala the week of November 4-8. All past, present and future supporters of GRACES are welcome to attend.
The week-long celebration includes three graduation ceremonies (kindergarten, 6th grade and 9th grade) as well as cultural activities, updates from the organization, home visits and more. It’s a fantastic time to meet other supporters and share in the joy of the students’ academic accomplishments.
If you are interested in learning more or if you know for sure you are attending, please fill out the Supporters Gathering Interest Form.
We recommend arriving in Guatemala on Sunday or Monday,* November 3 or 4, in time for dinner on November 4. It is best to depart on Saturday, November 9, unless you plan to extend your trip for personal reasons.
The cost for the Supporters Gathering will be approximately $900. This includes food, lodging, translation services, in-country transportation, and all on-the-ground activities. Airfare is not included. A cost breakdown and payment schedule will be provided to all who register to attend.
We hope to see you in November!
*A previous newsletter incorrectly listed the days as Monday or Tuesday. Events begin Monday, Nov. 4. We apologize for any confusion this caused.
GRACES has a new promo video!
This summer, we filmed a new promotional video for GRACES to help get the word out about all the ways we support education in Guatemala. The video features Board Director Mike Neubauer, GRACES Sponsorship Coordinator Catherine Escobar and a student from Escuela Integrada, Ariana Perez. Check it out and share it with your networks!